Finance Matters

28 May, 2014

Inflation and Purchasing Power - You need to know why!

We need to know what the inflation rate is because it affects all of us. The inflation rate represents the increasing cost of living for example. Inflation rate reflect the loss of purchasing power we hold with our money. The higher the inflation the less our money (currency) can buy in the future.

The only way to ensure our money will grow is to invest our money in something that gives us a higher return than inflation. One guaranteed way to loose money is by storing it ourselves, because with time the less we can buy with that money, another way to loose money (but not as fast) is to keep our money in a bank. The bank will pay you interest lower than the current inflation rate but they can lend much more money because of the fractional reserve banking laws at much higher rates. We will cover that topic later. Thanks for checking out my finance matters blog! 

28 March, 2014

Make your Business Card plain and clear

We all want to extend our network. A Business Card is one of the ways of doing just that. We can Google it and get many thousands of ways to make a business card and be noticed with our business cards. But are business card working at all today? We are over flooded with business cards. The answer is yes, but what you want to have in mind is that the business card works the best if it is plain. If it fits into a wallet, if you state clearly what you do and how to contact you.

Basic business card is all that is needed. Hope this help you out, don't look at it as too much hassle, it takes a short time to make one and then you can have some paper/copy company print and cut the cards for you for as little as $20-$50, depending on how many you want to start with.

Business Card - Make it yourself

You want to make sure you don't have a border on your design, because it is easily messed up by the inexpensive cutting companies. Here I explain how to make it:

22 March, 2014

Spending Diary the first step toward you goals

When you start your journey to becoming rich or well off or even just being able to stop worrying about your financial situation, it is very wise to start by defining what you spend your money on. Is it necessary og is it unnecessary!

Once you start to log your spending like that then you start to change your spending habits. Once you see that bottle opener or automatic vacuum-cleaner you will stop and think about what to write in your diary and hence you will stop yourself before you buy it because you know it is not necessary.

When you have done the diary for about 2-3 months then you will have changed your spending into 80-95% necessary things and you can start to increase your current cash flow or your future cash flow, which ever you choose to do.

What did I buy? Where? How much? Necessary or Unnecessary? 
Groceries - Walmart - $150 - Necessary
Fast food - Wendy's - $35 - Unnecessary

Get started today!

Make sure you follow me on Google+ so you can get updates on my finance matters tips.

20 March, 2014

Dream Board and a Future Diary

The two things I use the most to succeed in anything I do is:

1. Dream board. This is a motivational place where you place visual indicators (pictures or words) of what your dreams are and will become. I placed my dream board next to my bed so I look at it when I wake up and when I go to sleep. This drives my on and keeps me on the right path every day.

2. Future diary. This is a regular diary but the only difference is that you don't write about the past, but instead you write about the future. The more details you put in your diary the more likely it will turn out exactly like you wrote it. Try it out for a week or so and write what you want to happen at the job interview or what you want to happen on the date or anything you are not sure about but want to turn out a certain way.

Here is me, explaining this and introducing my past experience in business:

Thanks for watching, leave a comment if you have any opinion or questions on the matter.

14 March, 2014

Motivation drives us!

When we decide to change our fate, we have to have really good motivation to drive us!

If you decide that you can't be where you want to be, you are right and if you decide to change our fate today then you are right as well. We are very capable of creating what we want. Some people think they only way to change their fate is to follow a "get rich quick" scheme or guides but only a few can actually do it that way. I am going to tell you how everyone can do it by pacing yourself and do it gradually. We are going for the long run and that varies what the long run means for individuals, it could be 5 years and it could be 30 years, all depends on you. There is no right way for everyone, so do it at your pace.

12 March, 2014

Financial topics

Some of the topics we are going to cover are, financial literacy, saving money, cutting debts, increasing your cash flow and investing in properties with positive cash flow.

Sometimes it is wiser to pay on principals on your current loans and sometimes it is wiser to produce a positive cash flow asset to help you pay your debts faster. We don't want to have no debts, we just want to change our debts into good debts.

11 March, 2014

Welcome to Finance Matters

We all know that finance does matter and most of us want to be able to take control of our financial situation. I am going to give you every possible tool to help you succeed in the battle.

We will be showing short episodes on our YouTube channel, hopefully as often as possible. Here is our channel Finance Matters.

Hope you can use as much of the information as possible and succeed in what ever you goal is, just remember there has to be a goal or you will never succeed.